
here’s a peek into my head and the things i’ve been working on. thanks for coming

diving at a shipwreck-2017

Looking down into the cerulean blue,

there is a source of hope

As I sink deeper towards it,

all I see is decay.

Thinking of what used to be.

My air bubbling above me

as I explore the hallways

and once-expensive rooms.

There is an open window,

and plates still stacked

perfectly in their shelves

consumed by the ocean’s green.

Stray schools of fish

circle their new homes.

Their entire world composed

of what used to be a portion of mine.

I see the remnants of my world

scattered and beaten on the ocean floor.

A pearl necklace returning to its home.

A young child’s brown shoe.

Adopted by the ocean’s innocence.


spring in a small desert town-2017
