
here’s a peek into my head and the things i’ve been working on. thanks for coming




One of the pieces that really excited me to make the most this past year was this portrait which represents a statue modeled after the late Tibetan monks who immolated themselves in protest of war. The statue was created by my mentor David Settino Scott as a part of his ‘A Pure Working’ collection. This particular statue inspired me because of the pure emotion and feeling that it emits. I was intimidated by working with this size of canvas early on, as I hadn’t painted with oil in over two years and had never really worked at this scale with oil paint. As I came back to it week by week though, the piece came to life in an entirely different way than I expected. Working with this piece reintroduced me to glazing with oil paint and gave me the confidence to work bigger.


"nausea" (2019)

the bronze hippo-toaster

the bronze hippo-toaster